5-yr plan

Long story short… don’t have one.

Not really I guess.

I’ve been thinking about it ever since that job interview I tanked before getting the job I have now because that was one of the questions they asked I didn’t know how to answer.

So this is the short and sweet version for now, written as things come to me.

— Sell my car

— Be on my way to – if not already – being paid for the kind of work I want to do

— Have workshopped and performed my own original performance pieces in actual legitimate venues

— Have some of my work published, whether on-line or print

— Have a flexible job that pays the bills which allows me to work from home and/or set my own hours

— Learn grant-writing

— Have a network of peers to work with and get feedback from

— Have written my own autobiographical performance piece

— Attend conferences and write scholarly articles as well

— Figure out how to combine activism and performance in real terms

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