Play a Day: Medicine
A woman lays on a chaise lounge, drinking tea. An unopened pill bottle sits on a nearby counter.
The stories we tell matter.
A woman lays on a chaise lounge, drinking tea. An unopened pill bottle sits on a nearby counter.
A woman sits down in the middle of a busy street, breathing with intention. All the background slowly fades away until she is alone, yet connected to everything.
A woman walks down the sidewalk. A giant flower runs into her from behind, knocking her to the ground and spilling pollen everywhere. A dust cloud swirls around the woman, spreading the pollen further. It begins to rain, and mold… Read morePlay a Day: In the Air
Two women start out doing the mirror exercise (facing each other, one mimicking the movements of the other) but begin to get further and further out of sync until nothing they do is anything alike. Neither can agree who is… Read morePlay a Day: Mirror Image
Maybe The reason I have never gotten a tattoo Is a hold-over From my days as an actress. The desire To be a blank slate. Inhabiting the skin of another on a whim Without any brands to give me away…. Read morePlay a Day: Blank Slate
I work part-time in a bookstore, and was captivated by both the title and cover of Kate Bolick’s new book, Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own on our shelves. A woman, presumably Bolick, sits smiling on an antique sofa in… Read moreREVIEW: Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own
A woman reclines in a chair working. A cat jumps onto her chest, curls up in a ball, and falls asleep. The woman starts petting the cat until she, too, nods off.
A woman sits next to an old rotary phone, waiting for it to ring. After a while, she picks it up to check for a dial tone. She keeps waiting.
The stage is filled with staircases. Someone walks up and down, up and down, and down and down and down…. some of the stairs go below the stage itself, and some high above the proscenium. Someone walks in circles up… Read morePlay a Day: Ups and Downs
A woman walks down a path, burdened by luggage. Someone else comes along carrying a much lighter load. They take half of the woman’s load despite her protests to the contrary, and both continue along the way at a much… Read morePlay a Day: Share the Load