Things I Want

I feel like the first step toward achieving a goal is to state it in some concrete way.

I’m still waiting for my Passion Planner in the mail, so I might as well do it here for now.

Here are some things I want, either for 2015 or just the future in general:

* To visit my friends in Chicago

* To visit NYC

* To plan a road trip of sites of note and restaurants of note across the US. (This one’s tricky because I probably won’t want to be the one driving).

* To use my passport again before it expires in 2018.

* To stop having to clean houses for money, and start doing performance workshops instead.

* Make more time for fostering friendships

* Create a website and start building my personal brand

* Learn to be a rope top

* Re-develop a yoga practice

* Actually find create time for recreational activities like bike riding

* Go back to Sherwood

* Take advantage of more festivals in Austin: Honk, EAST, OUTsider, AGLIFF…. if I get a press pass to request time off and really be able to use it.

* Find a different outlet for my professional writing

That’s all I can think of for now. Will update as things come.

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