Review: 2015 Fusebox Festival

  One of the more interesting thing about attending festivals is seeing how different performance pieces speak to one another. In their second week, the Fusebox Festival line-up included some interesting offerings at the intersection of performance and technology. Michelle Ellsworth’s performance piece, Preparation for the Obsolescence of the Y Chromosome, is a meditation on a world without […]

Time Management

I read an article recently, which I cannot find, which gave reference to the idea that time management is impossible under capitalism. That it’s a trick, basically. That it is a Sisyphean task which we will never actually be able to accomplish. I think I am starting to believe that. Already, I’m not spending as […]

Play A Day: Time Sensitive

A room with a window through which the moon can be seen. A large clock on the wall. It is 10pm, say. A woman sits at a desk near the window working.  Lights down. Lights up. 11:15pm.  The woman is watching a show on television. Lights down. Lights up. 12:30am. The woman looks at the […]

Play a Day: Waiting

Two men dressed as vagabonds sit on the stage, a la Waiting for Godot. Instead of a tree, there is a large stone, like that which might be rolled away from a tomb. One of the men is munching a carrot. As in the Wizard of Oz, a deep voice booms from off-stage, “I said […]

Purvi Patel and the Fight for Reproductive Rights

On average, 15-20% of verified pregnancies (a woman who wasn’t trying to get pregnant, missed a period, and took a positive pregnancy test) will end in a miscarriage. That means roughly one in six pregnant women will miscarry. That’s a significant number, but it’s still not something we talk about. And in a culture where […]

Austin’s Fusebox Festival: The Measure of All Things

There are times when I’m reminded that performance can be a transformative event, and am honored to witness the magic uniquely found when a group of individuals come together to share their time, energy, and attention with one another. The opening night of Austin’s Fusebox Festival proved to be just such a moment. When I […]