thinky thoughts…

…. to be elaborated on later… Traffic was “whew!” today… and yesterday, too, for that matter. Is everyone taking a page from my book and avoiding the highway? I had a thought today as someone cut in front of me and I decided not to honk at them because I could see how they thought […]

What are the odds?

I’m a pretty introspective person. That’s why I have a blog, for instance. I know that creating narratives is an important facet of human experience, and that how we make sense of our experiences and lives matters. I was re-reading this book I picked up over the summer, Hardcore Zen. And I was thinking that maybe […]

Contientious Objecter

I’ve hardly gotten anything productive done this weekend. Thinking about going to work tomorrow puts my stomach in knots. I might be able to do substitute teaching, but it doesn’t pay well and the work isn’t guaranteed. So if they hire me I still need to find something else to do part-time. And that’s proving […]